It’s time to start a new thing.
I’m starting a blog, and this is the first post.
I’ve been meaning to do this for years, but never could quite get the nerve. My words are my most cherished possession, so I’m reluctant to share them. Where will they end up? Will they be enjoyed? Only time will tell.
Why Journalot?
I love portmanteaus, and this is one of my favorites. This website is a journal primarily, and it’s something I intend to contribute to a lot; shorter pieces more often is the motto. And so it was born, Journal-a-lot. (Well, let’s be honest here for a second: before it was going to be a blog, this name was an idea for a journaling marketplace. I’ve scrapped that idea for now, and you’re getting a blog instead.) My hope is honestly that I learn a lot about myself from this; that the rigor of daily writing and feedback can transform my thinking. Maybe it will even help some others in the process.
However, the word also evokes Camelot, a legendary place of adventure and battle, wisdom and courage. I like that. May this site witness to the adventure, courage, and wisdom of one small soul.