Don’t Worry People


I’ve recently posted this little note in my office; it’s relevant in my life more than ever.

The first draft was concocted by a scared kid who didn’t like to dance because of fear of what people thought. But I noticed that the people who seemed least concerned about others enjoyed themselves the most. I thought at first “That’s irresponsible! You should care about what others think.” But then I realized worrying what others think (of you) is not caring about them, it’s just caring about yourself. Then it hit home: if everyone else worries about themselves like I do, then they’re too busy being concerned about themselves to care about what I do, and therefore there’s nothing to worry about. This is a freeing thought. I need to be reminded of that.

It underscores a principle I’ve come to appreciate. I often ask myself: “If everyone behaved this way, what would the world be like?” The answer is always interesting, and often helpful.

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By samfall