CategoryFrench Fries

I’m on a mission to find the best french fries in Pittsburgh.

Fry Review: Walter’s BBQ

TLDR: Great environment, poor fries, good seasoning. I had consistency and quality concerns with the fries even though they still tasted pretty good. Walter’s BBQ is a low-key establishment in Lawrenceville with lots of outdoor seating, games, and a great bar. This place was awesome. I wish their fries had been better. Let’s start with the basics. Were the fries cooked all the way...

Not all fries created equal

Let’s talk about the types of french fries. Some are just always better, and some are just always worse. French Fry Sizes Shoestring Fries Shoestring fries are the really thin and stringy. They have the distinction of being the worst sort of fries. I’ve only enjoyed shoestring fries once, but I still wouldn’t recommend them. These get cold quicker and they taste worse cold...

The Federal Fry-Off

Three french fries – two people – one meal. Welcome to the Federal Galley, a foodie jewel in the Northside. It’s a restaurant incubator that houses four aspiring restaurant concepts to give them a leg-up before opening their own shop. It just so happens that 3 of the 4 concepts serve french fries, and so I couldn’t help myself to get all of them and compare. Challenge...

One Small Step for French Fries (Reprisal)

Today, I was informed by a friend that Chicken Latino has officially started selling their burrito’s with french fries as an option. Then I found this beautiful post on their twitter feed. I’m proud to have helped create this moment. (If you recall, I posted this article back in November). 🌯🌯 California style chicken burritos today !!! Delicioso 🤤 —...

One Small Step for French Fries

I’ve been trying for a couple months to get french fries inside my burrito. And yesterday they finally did it. This is Chicken Latino, where you can get cheap, delicious Peruvian food in the strip district. They also have french fries, and in true Pittsburgh fashion, they allow you to put french fries on stuff like salad. French fries come with burgers, or with chicken and rice. They even...