
Many questions, some thoughts, and even a few answers.

Digital Discipline: Forward

I’m starting a longer and more ambitious writing project; perhaps it will even become a book. It’s about digital discipline in the church. I see a massive need for digital discipline and have been spending my time looking for resources and conviction. What I’ve found is surprisingly scant and simple. Yet, our society has been flipped on its head by changes in digital behavior...

Climate change as a Christian

I don’t think Christians talk about Climate change enough. Unfortunately, if climate and society continues on the path we’re on and Christians choose to do nothing, history may blame today’s Christians for the ideology that is causing it. I’ve started to compile some thoughts to get the conversation going, putting scriptures to thoughts, and I would encourage you to do the...

Analogies to Live By: Part 1

Eternal Trajectory It seems like as we sin, we also age. Signs of “Maturity” in the world are often equated with sin, like being independent and disconnected, being sexually involved, being willing to fight, etc. “Maturity” can be portrayed like loneliness, and joylessness. My parents have a funny picture at home of this perception. It’s a diverging highway with...

Anatomy of Responsible Relationships

I have to write this down; it’s just a shred of a thought, but it seems important. Relationships are comprised of many commitments, and it seems the mismanagement, miscommunication, or lack of understanding of these often make relationships fall apart. I’ve attempted to categorize and put words to these to help myself (and perhaps you) be a better friend. Let’s simplify it to...


Self-control is a temporary virtue. It simply affords you the opportunity to develop more permanent virtues. Once you are virtuous, why do you need to control yourself? Let yourself be virtuous. That’s why you decided to exercise self-control in the first place, isn’t it? You see, good self-control leads to freedom from the need for self-control; it’s task-oriented and once...

Winning People Over

Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance. These definitions are crucial to understanding how we become disconnected in our lives and how to change. Living a connected life ultimately is about setting boundaries, spending less time and energy hustling and winning...